About ICD

The Inner City District (ICD)

The Inner City District is an AA service committee for AA groups in metropolitan Melbourne, Australia. The committee is comprised of General Service Representatives (GSRs) who are elected by each local AA group, plus the elected ICD Chairperson, the District Committee Member (DCM), Alternate DCM,  Secretary, Treasurer and other positions with portfolios that help support the work of the District. The DCM (Chair) represent the District at Area level. We are the voice of the group in the AA service structure linking the group to the Area and to the region, Australia and AA as a whole.

The Area

Inner City District voted in October 2016 to join Area F. Area F was an Area originally made up of groups in the Peninsula area but was inactive for a long time. Area F is currently compromised of groups from the Inner City District and from Peninsula District and it is anticipated it will grown organically. Area F has elected a delegate who was accepted by the Conference committee. The Area Committee is responsible for the health of the Conference structure and, by the same token, for growth and harmony in our beloved Fellowship. An Area Committee is composed of all District Committee Members (DCMs), one from each District in the Area, whom the GSRs have elected to represent their District, and the Alternate DCMs. There should be enough Districts, each with its DCM, to ensure good communication between the Area Committee and the Groups. The Area Delegate and the Alternate Delegate also serve on the Area Committee.

District Statement of Purpose

Our primary purpose is to carry the message to the alcoholic who still suffers.


The Primary Purpose of the AA District is the same as of all AA activity – to carry the message to the alcoholic who still suffers, wherever he/she may be. The District seeks ways and means of accomplishing this goal by serving as a forum for sharing the experience, strength and hope of the General Service Representatives who come together each month from the groups in the District. Experience teaches us that developing a sound structure enables us to carry our message more effectively to those alcoholics still suffering in our community, and to remain strong and united for those of the next generation.

District Meetings serve the following purposes:

  1. To provide support, guidance and information for the General Service Representatives (GSRs).
  2. To maintain communication links between groups, members and AA as a whole.
  3. To suggest, discuss and plan means of carrying the message to those alcoholics still suffering in the district community.
  4. To seek ways to improve the structure and unity of the District groups.

These goals are achieved through discussion, workshops, sharing sessions, use of service literature and audio-visual material, visits by guests from other AA service areas, sharing group problems, and more. The emphasis shall always be on GSR sharing.